Simon's Monthly Top Tips

Every month, Simon Woolf shares some of his photographic wisdom. You won't want to miss this:


July-August 2016


Perspective is a valuable piece of a photographer's repertoire. Eye level often does not cut it!  The need to get up high and look down, or get down and dirty, and look up is often an essential in gaining that X-Factor shot!

  • Just remember if you are going to get on up high, take care, you do not wish to fall and injure yourself. It has been done I can assure you!
  • Be aware of your surroundings at all times. That is also an essential ingredient of being a great photographer. When taking photos from perspectives on slippery or potentially unstable surfaces, be aware you come first.

On returning my leased car I apparently popped a dent or two in the roof. It cost me! The shots I did achieve from the cars roof were well worth gaining  different and unique images.